Sunday, March 10, 2013

Acapulco- El Mar de Amor (Parte 1)

Our Love is Eternal
It hasn't been to long since I got back from Mexico again.  I went to see my Fiance from the 13th of February to the 18th.  It was a wonderful trip, one that we will never forget!  I am excited to announce that we will be having our Mexico reception here within the next few weeks, 20 days to be exact.  I cannot believe how many months have flown by; time sure does go by fast.  It only seems like yesterday that I asked the girl of my dreams to marry me.  We are coming up on our 9 month anniversary on the 15th of this month.  We had the exciting opportunity to celebrate our 8 month anniversary in the wonderful city of Acapulco; that wasn't planned at all in advance.  It is interesting to note how God works in mysterious ways as well.  Almost every time that I have booked a flight, it has luckily fallen on a weekend where we don't have school on Monday because of a holiday, or it has fallen on a break from school.  It has been that way for my October flight (Fall break), December flight (Christmas and New Years), and February flight (President's day).  I found out about the October and February holidays after I had booked my flights and then worried about how much school I might be missing.  It all ended up to work out just fine.  Anyway, back to our vacation...

The Bay of Acapulco
The waters were beautiful and warm, the weather was a huge change from Utah.  It was actually snowing when I left for Mexico.  It was really hot for me and it was also warm for her as well, but not such a huge change like it was in Mexico city.  I haven't started from the beginning of the story, though. I will start from the beginning.  The airport is about 1 hour and 30 minutes from my house and my plane was going to leave at 7 in the morning.  I decided to stay the night at my Aunt's house so I didn't have to leave so early in the morning.  I ended up getting to the airport about 4 in the morning.  I was a little confused because they said that we should be in the airport 3 hours early for international flights but not even the people to help us get our boarding passes were there until about 2 hours before, it was a little frustrating.  There was a lady that was waiting for the flights too and she was very nice and smiled a lot at another Arabic family that had 3 members in their family and about 25, not exaggerating, pieces of luggage.  Their little girl was cute and kept trying to scratch off the tattoo that the mom had of the dot on her forehead.  But this is beside the point, ha ha.

Viole and I before Sundown on the Beach
So they finally came to the desk to help us scan our luggage.  I had printed out my boarding pass and so it was a lot easier for me to check-in this time.  I was a little frustrated at how airlines are now charging $25 to stow your luggage, as if they are going to put anything else under the plane.... but hey- I paid it anyway.  And I was off to the long wait through security.  I got to the terminal probably an hour and a half before my flight which is just about the time I like to get there.  Early enough to find you a place to sit and wait for the plan to come in and be prepared for takeoff.  I was so excited to be going to Mexico to spend time with my Fiance and finish up some more wedding plans, since the big day is coming up so fast.  We have some big things to do this trip, things that have to be done before my next trip in March, for the wedding reception.  I flew into Arizona this time, which was a nice relief from other times that I've flown into Mexico.  One time they had me fly from Salt Lake City to Georgia and then from Georgia into Mexico City and then from Mexico City to Houston and then from Houston back to Mexico City.  What a trip that was, with 6 hour layovers in between each flight.  Luckily this time it was a shorter layover of just a few hours and during the day.  I finally flew into Mexico City, and it was starting to get warmer.  I don't know why I wore a jacket?  O yeah, because it was freezing in Utah and in Arizona that morning!

The show at the Hotel- Singing and Dancing
I was really excited to see Viole and didn't want to waste a lot of time and so I hurried to get my luggage and beat most of the passengers down to Customs.  I have had bad experiences in customs with the long lines and the crazy wait times.  It seems like the Mexico Residents have such a short line every time I go and the visitors are usually 30 minutes to an hour wait.  I was so relieved when I got down there and there was hardly a line.  I did have to wait for about 15 minutes or 20 minutes maximum, but it was so nice.  I went up to the desk and the receptionist asked me what was my purpose for coming to Mexico.  I told her that I was to get ready for my wedding reception to the most beautiful girl and that we were preparing for our March reception.  She was so happy for me and stamped my passport without any further hesitation or questions. 
Freshwater Lake that led into the Ocean, very beautiful!
 I got to the baggage claim before exiting through security and baggage check.  I have never made it to the baggage claim before my luggage.  Not even once!  My luggage always beats me, and that is to show how long we wait to get our luggage, or how long the line takes when we go to customs.  My luggage was waiting there for me and I showed the lady my boarding pass with my name on it and she checked it for accuracy and let me go through.  Before heading out the doors, I stopped to change my dollars into Pesos.  The worker told me that it was a better deal to change them inside the airport because directly outside the doors it was a lower price.  I believed and changed my dollars, only to find out it was about a 2 peso more per dollar difference going outside and so it really wasn't the best plan to change my money inside the airport at all.

From our room looking towards the Ocean
I went out the doors and noticed it was a different door than what I usually go out of and so I looked for them and didn't see them.  I decided to walk over to the next door when I saw her and her mom walking over to me.  She had a huge balloon in her hands and a big smile.  I will never forget her face every time I see her.  She has a look of love, excitement, and she is really nervous to see me.  I love to see her like that, I wish I could capture with a camera her face when she sees me.  Her eyes light up and she gets all excited the moment she sees me.  I also have a lot of excitement and am really nervous every time.  I don't know why ;) He He.  Because every time I see her it's like it's for the first time and I fall more and more in love with her.  We walked a bunch to get a taxi lugging the luggage behind us.  I kept hitting people in the face with the balloon and it was super funny.  We couldn't help but laughing but it really wasn't our fault that the wind made it do that.  We finally got to the place where we were going to take a taxi, and we had to hurry because we were going to take pictures for the reception within the hour and we still had to get ready.  We got in the taxi and I had realized by then how much I had missed her and how much I love her.  I cannot wait until we get married, and the sooner- the better.

Our fresh coconut- Drinking the water!  So Good!
We got to her brother's house and I hurried and went upstairs to shower before the camera man came.  I showered and then came downstairs to eat.  I was half dressed and we had just barely begun to eat when the guy showed up.  We weren't even ready.  We hurried and ate and then we went upstairs to hurry and change into our formal clothes.  I brought my suit that I used on my mission and she was wearing a stunning black dress.  I will have to post the pictures we took after our reception because those are still a secret ha ha.  I am in love with this woman, she is my everything!  She is my bright and shining star in the darkness. I would do anything for her and when we are married, I will treat her like the Queen she is.  I love you Viole and I shout it to the world!

This will have to be part 1 of the story-

  • Five hour bus ride turns into 10
  • The boat ride I got sick in
  • And other adventures about the photo shoot

Friday, January 25, 2013

No lo puedo creer.. en amor nunca deja de ser...

Oooooh que genial, todavia estoy en shock, estoy muy feliz estos dias no paro de recibir noticias buenas, el dia de ayer recibi una noticia maravillosa que a cambiado mi vida esta noticia todavia no la logro comprender...
saben? me puse a llorar jiji pero fue por una enorme alegria que senti y con un enorme corazon agradecido con mi Padre Celestial: por que se preocupa de mi y de mi hermoso y guapo amado esposo westonini...
Todo esta saliendo tan perfecto, el  amor entre el y yo cada dia que pasa crece mas de verdad quiero declararte mi amor cuanto te amo eres tan perfecto.... de verdad no se como expresarte mi amor no encuentro las palabras exactas pero mira mi amor te voy a contar algo que paso el dia de hoy tambien te quiero confesar mi amor:
Cuanto te amo mi amor, en esta mañana recuerdo perfectamente el sentimiento que tenia, mi corazon no dejaba de latir, latia y latia y latia  pero latia tan fuerte que me recorria un sentimiento por todo mi cuerpo, cada vez que siento tan cerca el espiritu del señor me pasa lo mismo pero en esta ocación fue por el amor que siennto yo por ti...
Y bueno les voy a describir un poco de el:

El es un hombre tan respetuoso,  un hombre que lucha por lo que quiere, que no se rinde , es tan fuerte en las adversidades, el tiene un amor para mi enorme, es tan atento, tan tierno conmigo, tan paciente oooooh lo amo tanto....

OK pues miren les voy a explicar un poco de los preparativos de las recepciones pues seran 2 recepciones una en Mexico D.F y otra sera en Utah USA falta tan poco tiempo ahorita estamos haciendo las cosas que nos faltan para la recepcion de Mexico y soy muy feliz por que mi vestido de novia sera muy bonito, sencillo, no tan llamativo pero hermoso y lo mejor sera modesto..

En la recepcion de aqui mi prometido va a hacer muchas cosas inolvidables para el y graciosas a la vez,  se baila la vivora de la mar  que este baile consta de que los invitados del sexo masculino corren y giran alrededor del novio y de la novia y luego las chicas tambien hacen lo mismo y tambien le ponen una cancion que se llama la marcha funebre  y ahi lo cargan y le quitan los calcetines y lo avientan por el aire, bailaremos una cancion que se llama el madilon y tambien ahi le ponen un mandil, una escoba, un paliacate en la cabeza y tiene que cargar un bebe al ritmo de la cancion, tambien en el brindis se pone de pie todos los invitados y se brinda con ellos y nuestras copas con las que tomamos se avientan para atras para que se rompan, luego tambien ahi una parte donde el pasa mesa por mesa y todos los hombres le pintan la camisa con una pluma y le ponen algo lindo y con un alfiler le enganchan un billete de la denominacion que sea... y asi es un poco de las tradiciones mexicanas....

Estoy muy feliz por cada una de las cosas que en este momento estoy viviendo en mi vida no me arrepiento ni un solo instante de lo que en mi vida esta sucediendo no lo que sucedera, no me arrepiento de casarme con el hombre que lo voy  a hacer y de ser su esposa, no me arrepiento de ser su mujer eterna, su compañera eterna ni de de caminar a su lado siempre juntos...
Hace unos dias fuimos a comprar su anillo de mi futuro esposo y aqui en Mexico se usa que el anillo de matrimonio de la mujer y del hombre son iguales y en USA se utiliza que el hombre te da tu anillo de prometida y la mujer le da su anillo hasta que se casan y con ese se quedan a lo largo de su vida..

Y entonces fuimos por su anillo y quiero mostrarselos y este anillo al igual que el mio representan mas alla de todo, no solo es un anillo si no que representa el amor, la entrega total, el respeto, la trinidad, el compromiso de hacer las cosas por tu familia por tu esposo e hijos y tambien por ti misma, representa que estas comprometida en matrimonio y ese matrimonio es eterno, representa fidelidad, paciencia, esfuerzo y como ya lo dije amor pero amor eterno de ese amor que puede mas alla de todas las cosas que apesar de que tengas pruebas y piedras como matrimonio sepas brincarlas y seguir sin parar y brincar la que sigue y asi y siempre amar a la otra persona y siempre tener  una solucion que sea buena para los dos, nunca con tus decisiones afectar a la otra persona que amas, quitarte de tu orgullo y tambien de tu vanidad y de todos estos sentimientos que puedan llegar a dañarnos...

Yo estoy bien segura que mi amado prometido y futuro esposo s esforzara a cada instante no dejara que esto pase y que apesar de que el y yo tengamos pruebas todo lo derribaremos y saldremos con la batalla ganada y con la victoria en la mano listos para poder ver de frente a nuestro Dios y poder decirle soy digno de ti, soy digno de tu presencia y y llegue aqui contigo con la batalla ganada...

Falta menos de dos meses par unir nuestras vida esperemos que todo salga perfecto, por que todo a estado saliendo muy bien poco por aqui y poco por alla pero hemos estado reciebiendo respuestas que cambian nuestras vidas para bien y que nos daran dicha y gozo faltan exactamente 1 mes con 28 dias para la recepcion de aqui  en Mexico osea 55 dias y para la de Utah faltan 60 dias.. ¿Poquito verdad?
si muy poquito y para nunca estar separados... estoy feliz de estar a tu lado mi amor soy feliz de ser tu novia y tu prometida y tu esposa y ahora si de unirme contigo y hacer convenios sagrados en el templo y poder compartir este momento glorioso a tu lado...

Por  ultimo Weston Marsh te quiero agradecer por cada uno de tus detalles, por tu esfuerzo, por amarme tant, respetarme y por querer lo mas elevado y virtuoso para mi, por estar conmigo incondicionalmente y por hacerme tan pero tan dichosamente feliz, te admiro, te respeto y te amo,

Gracias por amarme y por ser mi gran salvador, el que llego cambiarme mi vida y hacerla totalmente plena sin ni siquiera una granito de mostaza que me haga falta para ser feliz, por que a tu lado lo tengo todo gracias mi  amor te amo con todo mi ser por que solo soy tuya y siempre lo sere te amo guapo... gracias por casarte conmigo y unir tu vida y todo de ti a mi... Nuestro matrimio divino sera...


                                                              TE AMO......

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

La gran espera termino mi amor. Happy anniversary...

Estoy tan feliz 7 meses de gran felicidad: Mi amado que gran bendicion nos dio Dios al poder permitirnos estar juntos 7 meses, meses de gran felicidad, prubas, desafios, pero de amor pleno, de un mor a base de respeto, dulzura, de momentos inlvidables.
Mi amor te voy a contar algo y te contare el sentimiento y accion mas importante que paso en  la maravillosa estacion de el año de verano: ¿POR QUE ME ENAMORE DE TI?... Tu eras un siervo del señor, un  maravilloso  representante de el portabas su nombre y el nombre de la maravillosa iglesia, podias compartir el evangelio a muchas personas, podias testificar de el, cada vez que tocabas en piano se hacia ese conjunto magnifico, por que ¿al tocar algun istrumento que pasa? (piano) pues estas llamando al espiritu, yo podia ver tu rostro era un rostro limpio puro aquel rostro que te manifestaba soy representante de un Rey, soy su hijo, lo amo profundamente y el me ama a mi, eras un elder destacado y solamente se dedicaba a hacer su trabajo...
Por el motivo que me enamore de ti es por tu gran deseo de servir y de predicar el evangelio, por que eso significaba que lo podias testificar, que tenias FE en el y un gran TESTIMONIO... solo te faltaban las alas para volar de ese chico maravilloso me enamore...
Ahora que pasa el tiempo y los meses trascurrieron pienso que maravillosa bendicion me ha dado mi Padre Celestial, cuan grande a de ser su amor por mi para colmarme de grandes bendiciones en mi vida, me ha dado un esposo eterno, un esposo en el que puedo confiar, un esposo que me ayuda me impulsa, un esposo que confia plenamente en mi, un esposo que me da amor, su respeto, que se esfuerza por mi a cada momento, que quiere progresar junto con migo, que ama al señor, y asi me podria pasar dieciendo todo el dia las buenas cualidades que tu tienes...
Mi principe guapo grandes y maravillosos e inolvidables 7 meses, estamos a unos dias de saber de la respuesta de la visa, esta respuesta nos cambiara la vida y verdaderamente empesara nuestro cuento de hadas, sera una maravillosa bendicion cuando sea el gran dia que pueda yo subir a tu lado al avion y poder viajar en el cielo mas serca del padre para poder unir nuestras vidas para siempre para eternidad, soy tan extremadamente feliz a tu lado mi amor, a tu lado me siento completa, segura, que no me hace falta nada, eres mi posion magica, simplemente eres mi exaltacion, eres el paso mas importante de mi vida ese paso a no nada mas mi felicidad aqui en la tierra si no mas alla mi felicidad eterna.... MI GRAN FELICIDAD....
Estamos a 2  meses y dias de poder cumplir nuestra gran meta, nuestra maravillosa meta, tan pronto se paso el tiempo es hora de preparar todo para el gran acontecimiento y sabes? soy muy feliz de poderme casar con tigo, de ser tu esposa y de llamarme Violeta Marsh, te amo mi amor, nunca me e arrepentido de hacerlo y nunca lo hare...
FEIZ ANIVERSARIO DE 7 MESES, felices felices felices que gran bendicion tenerte...
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 7 MONTHS, happy, happy, happy, you're a great blessing....



Friday, December 14, 2012

6 Months together- with the promise of an eternity

Tomorrow we will celebrate our 6 month anniversary.  It was a blessed day, the day that we started dating.  I did not know how much that you would bless my life.  I did no know how much light and hope you would bring to me in dark times.  I am grateful that we have had the opportunity to see the hand of God guiding our path together.  I don't know how different my life would be without you; I don't want to think about it, it would be a huge difference.

I am so blessed to be able to see your smile each and every day, to know that you are mine, to dream for the day when we will be together.  We are both counting down the days, and we cannot wait.  The seconds and hours pass slowly, but with each new day we realize how much closer it actually is.  In 101 more days we will be able to start our life together, in a new place, with new adventures, lost in our everlasting love.

For your anniversary I present to you our house.  It is the perfect size for a small family, it is all I could wish to share with you.  It will be a perfect place for us to start a family, to live our dreams and meet our goals.  I cannot wait for the moments we will share, the memories that we will make, and the adventures we will have.  Just like our relationship, the house needs love and care and a lot of nurture.  We have to constantly work at making it better, fixing the small problems that may cause major damages in the future.  We will consecrate it to the Lord, it will be a house of prayer, a house of fasting, and a place where we will not be embarrassed or ashamed to invite our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We are so blessed to have these special moments.  I could not have asked God for a better gift in my life than you.  You are my everything, my peace, my consolation, my air, my refuge, my wife!  I love you more than anything in the world, and thank goodness that I can have a lifetime plus an eternity to show you.  I love you and happy anniversary my love.  Te amo corazón.  Te amo infinitivamente!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Because I have Been Given Much....

This holiday season I wanted to thank my Heavenly Father for all of my many blessings that he has given me.  First off, he has given me a Savior, Jesus Christ that died for me and paid the price for all my sins.  He also gave me the chance to return to live with him with my family for all of eternity.  This blessing has become more important to me than ever through recent events.

He has given me the opportunity to communicate with Him through prayer and also has given me a place to worship Him in a beautiful church.  He has given me my body to feel sorrows, joys, pain, love, and many other emotions.  He also has promised me He will never leave me alone and will always be with me.

Christ, in the Bible, was said to have left the 99 sheep to find the lost 1 to bring it back to His fold.  I promise that if we feel lost, we can be found again.  Look to God and even if you don't know how to begin, start by talking to Him about your life, your worries, joys, and He WILL listen.  I need to do better at communicating with Him and have made it a goal to find time each day to pray.

Most importantly, He has sent me his beautiful daughter, Violeta, to love and to cherish and to always have for eternity.  I cannot wait to marry her in the Temple of God and to have the opportunity to be with her for all eternity as long as we keep our promises we make during marriage.  She is my everything and she brings me so much joy.  I cannot begin to thank my Heavenly Father for sending me a daughter so loving, pure, holy, and full of His spirit.

At work we started the "giving tree."  This is a chance we get to help 3 or  families with Christmas this year.  We buy the kids presents because the family is in need.  I did this last year as well and it was such a special experience.  Because I have been Given Much, I Too Must Give (Listen to this link).  It is important that we see all of our blessings and we share with those who need to feel the Love of God.  Serve others, say a kind word, share your time and talents and you too will see a great reward in your life. I promise you!

We have so much to be thankful for that we need to express thanks to those around us.  We can see God's hand in our life daily if we look hard.  After a while you will start to notice His hand more and more.  I love you God for all  you have done for me and for all you have given me.  I love you Viole for being my future wife and I can't wait for the day when we can become one through marriage.  Te Amo Eternamente!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Victory Came Into Our Lives.....

En todo este momento en todos estos dias pasan tantas cosas, en este tiempo de aqui a que nos casemos wes y yo tendremos respuestas que nos cambiaran la vida pero de lo que si estoy segura es que todo lo que nos pasara en este tiempo sera para nuestro bien, el padre celestial todo lo a preparado para nosotros, la visa esta en tramite y esperamos respuesta y muchas otras cosas mas.
Esta dia tan tranquila y precisamente esta tarde en mi mente pasan tantas cosas pero hay una de ellas que me recorre todo el cuerpo y es un tipo de escalofrios que me manifiesta cuanto amo a Weston y el profundo amor que siento yo por el, muchas de las veces me pregunto por que este amor crece dia con dia y la respuesta siempre es la misma, por que este amor es de Dios por que es un amor puro, por que nuestro amor va mas allá de todo lo que puede existir.
Este dia quiero que este sea mi diario quiero confesar en secreto mis sentimientos, en este mi libro de amor, el libro en el que puedo decir lo que siento sin prejuicios.

Desde que era una bebe crecí en la Iglesia de Jesucrito de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias y pase por diferentes organizaciones pase la primaria tenia 4, 8, 12 años y pase a Mujeres Jovenes tenias 14, 16 hasta llegar a los 18 y pase a Adultos Solteros mi vida siempre fue llena de felicidad de regocijo llena de amor pero siempre con una misma meta llegar pura al templo de Dios y poderme casar con un hombre digno un hombre del señor, un hombre que le sirviera en una mision y que lo pusiera al frente de todas las cosas, que pudiera ver que si nuestro Dios estaba adelante de todo lo demas se daria por añadidura y asi fueron todas mis etapas, cuando llegue a mujeres jovenes soñaba que me casaria en el templo de salt lake city siempre pensaba en esto y decía algun dia mi sueño se cumplira y me acuerdo que todos los dias desde que era niña oraba y pedia que en cualquier parte del mundo  hubiera unos padres educando a un hijo de Dios en dignidad para que yo pudiera formar una familia con el, siempre oraba y soñaba con ese momento y asi pasaron 19 años de mi vida.............
Jamas me imagine este momento de felicidad que estoy viviendo pero ahora que lo vivo soy tan enormemente feliz.
Cuando vi por primera vez Wes nos sorreimos pero en ese momento pude ver en sus ojos y su sonrrisa que eran tan puros tan llenos de el amor de Dios ( y lo siguen siendo) y eso fue lo que me conquisto aparte pues como anteriormente esta descrito pues el tocaba el piano en ese  barrio y para mi la musica es algo que me transporta, algo que me acerca mas a todo lo puro, me da tranquilidad y me hace sentir mas serca del amor y pues el al tocar este instrumento me hacia tener todas estas sensaciones.
En muchas ocaciones me pongo a pensar como es que paso todo? como es que nos enamoramos? como es que nuestros sueños de ambos se cumplieron? como es que estamos hasta el punto en donde nos ubicamos en este momento? todo lo que a pasado es tan escondido, pero solo mi repuesta es que todo en esta vida tiene un proposito y que nada es fortuito y que el padre todo lo tiene reservado para nosotros, que no necesitas ser del mismo grupo social, de la misma escuela, del mis mismo trabajo o del mismo pais para poder enamorarte, para poder hacer los convenios sagrados y poder estar junto a esa  persona que lucha por ti que te ama y que te demuestra su amor puro y que te hace sentir como una princesa y que te dice "Viole eres mi princesa y seras mi princesa eterna".
Todas estas palabras son las que me llenan de vida son las que me impulsan para seguir adelante para seguir el camino para seguir esa senda y llegar al final con la victoria en mano...
Ahora en este momento de mi vida puedo decir que lo tengo todo exactamete todo para ser feliz, solamente faltan 4 meses con 27 dias aproximadamente y me acuerdo de algo que me da mucha risa cuando wes y yo empezamos a ser novios organizábamos como seria todo y como iniciariamos lo preparativos, cuantas veces de ese tiempo al que nos casaramos el vendria a verme y asi y en una de esas platicas dijo el que alomejor por las circunstancias solamente vedria 1 vez, pues seria la primera vez que estariamos juntos  como novios y asi paso hasta hace unas semanas que vino y planeamos que de esta vez ya regresaria hasta febrero y ya saben el amor pudo  mas planeamos que venga en diciembre ooooo que genial no? como es que el amor lo puede todo no importan las cosas que pasen, las pruebas y todo simplemente el amor puede mas que todo esto, pero bueno asi es el amor y que persona no a sentido alguna vez el amor? a que persona no le habita el amor en su corazon?  el amor es algo que no tiene raza, ni estatus economico o social, ni religion el amor es mundial, por todo esto puedo gritar a todo el mundo que estoy enamorada que amo infinitamente a un hombre perfecto y digno y esta es la sensación mas  bella de todo el universo.
En este libro de amor pueden encontrar todo tipo de receta todo tipo de aconteciemiento y tambien pueden encontrar en este libro lo mas bello y el amor mas sincero que pueden encontrar solo le hace falta abrirlo y se impresionaran del contenido....
Autores... MARSH, weston- BECERRIL, violeta.
Libro: el amor en esta vida y la eternidad...
Año de publicación: 15 de junio de 2012.
Numero de paginas: cuan grande sea nuestro amor.
Editorial.. WEYVI
 Amor- perfecto- ISBN: 7T- 6E3- 2A9M4- 5O5-W

Nuestro amor no tiene barreras es un amor sin limites......
Si quieren encontrar mas informacion vayan a las paginas siguientes.....

Saturday, October 27, 2012

El Amor No Deja Que La Aventura Termine

Today marks a very special day in the countdown to our wedding.  The 27th of March, 2013, is when we have the wedding planned.  This is only 5 months away from today!  The time is passing so quickly that I can't believe we have been together for almost 4 months.

 Also two months from today I am planning my return trip to Mexico for Christmas and New Years break to see my Fiance and to finish some more wedding plans.  I think we are probably going to look into buying a Tux while I am there as well so it can be ready before too long.

The things that I miss most about her are: her smile, her beautiful long hair, being close to her, the way that she can get a smile out of me in any occasion, her family, and much more.  Even if it is just being by her side, I am the happiest man in the world.

That is why I think it is such an amazing gift that God has given us to be able to perform a special promise in his temple that if we keep our sacred promises between us and always strive to do what is right and keep his commandments, we can be together for this life and the next.

When one of us reaches the special time in our lives when it is time for us to return and meet our maker, it is not the end of our relationship.  That wouldn't make sense for God to give us someone to love, just to take them away from us in the next life.  No!  We will be with our families and spouses and loved ones, sealed together, or bound for all eternity.  That is why we are putting such an importance on following the teachings of the Savior.

When the scriptures talk about eternal life and how happy we will be in the presence of others and God, it makes me realize that this is more than I could ask for, to be in his presence, but it would not be eternal bliss if I could not have my future spouse with me in the presence of God.

I know that life will be hard, but this is what God has prepared us for and what our parents have prepared for us.  Everything that I am doing and have done in my life has been to prepare me for this marvelous moment, when I will become one flesh with Viole and become one in God.

I am excited for our adventures that we will be able to experience together and for the good and the bad.  I know that if we continue to follow the right path then we will be able to return to live with our father in heaven.  Just like in the picture above, when death separates us, we will still be connected until I can be with her again!  Just because our story on earth in done, Love doesn't allow the adventure to end.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Date Is Set.... What's the Process?

As many know, in order to get married to someone from Mexico, you need to fill out paperwork to apply for a Fiance visa.  The best way we found to complete the paperwork was to hire a Lawyer that specializes in Immigration.  We had heard countless stories of people who had their visas returned and they had done it themselves.  So, we decided we would do it right the first time and hope for the best.  I went visa shopping and the best service I could find was Easy Fiance Visa in California.  The process costs about $1300 to pay the visa fees and lawyer fees.  It was the best bargain around.  We started gathering information for the visa: Where we attended school, where we have lived, and our visits.  I had to laugh when we got to the part where it asked about how we knew each other and prove our visits, because we had to have 5 color photos of us together and we took exactly 5 pictures!  I had lived in Mexico almost a year and so I had a Mexican visa in my passport which we felt was great as well.

We had such an interesting time trying to fill out the paperwork with understanding what it was asking and making sure we filled it out the most we could.  We had to upload birth certificates, passport photos, and photos together.  For this reason, I was very grateful that my mom gave me "that look" and I took pictures that time in Mexico.  What happens during the visa process is confusing and it takes a long time but it is worth the wait.  After filling out the paperwork in about 2 weeks, we finally submitted it along with the story of how we met.  The lawyer reviewed the paperwork then it was sent off to USCIS or Immigration.  This is where the real journey begins!  The estimated completion time is 2-5 months.  It is so important that everything was completed correctly so that it doesn't take any longer than necessary.

After you are approved by Immigration, the papers are sent to Homeland Security to do background checks and both of us and that takes 2-4 weeks.  If we are approved by then, the paperwork is sent back to the lawyer from what I understand, and then the appointment is made with the United States Embassy in Mexico which is located over the border south of Texas.  This appointment can take up to 2 months to make.  Before you go the appointment you have to have a medical exam done by affiliated doctors and complete an interview.  If you pass the medical exam and interview then within the 24 hour period they give you the visa.  From that point on, we have 6 months of time for Viole to come to the United States.  Within those 6 months, after she passes the border, we have 90 days to get married.  After the wedding we then have to pay another lawyer fee and start the process for the Green Card and Permanent Legal Residency, which is another 4-6 months.  Then we wait for citizenship 3 years later.

We are so excited to announce that we have chosen the 27th of March, 2013, to be married in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the Salt Lake City Temple.  A temple is a house of worship, a place where we know we can receive the blessing of being married for not just time, but for all of eternity.  This blessing isn't until death, but an eternal or never ending marriage as long as we stay true and faithful to God's commandments.  What happens in a temple marriage or anything inside of a temple is not a secret, however it is sacred.  The word sacred means special or holy, and for this reason we do not mention it.  We dress in white to symbolize purity, this is how we want to return with our families in the presence of our Lord and God.  We are excited to participate in such an event and are working to stay on God's path.  The date is set and now we are just waiting to hear back about the visa, hoping that our fairy tale will come true.

We don't know if this will be how our story starts, but we know how it will end.  We might not know when, but we do know where.  The important part of this story is the God's will is everything.  We can make plans for our lives, but God's ways are always higher than ours, meaning- God has a plan for our lives and it is for our good.  If it means that I have to move to Mexico to be with my eternal bride, I would do it in a heartbeat.  But we are crossing our fingers, praying, and hoping that everything turns out the way that we have planned.  Please hope and pray with us.  The story is just beginning, the fairy tale is not over......

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Magic Moment ...

Todo este cuento ha pasado tan maravilloso!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unos pocos meses antes, ¿Quién pensaría que esto pasaría? Los caminos de Dios son tan escondidos.... ¿Cómo dos personas de tan diferentes culturas y de tantas millas de distancia se conocerían? En este cuento todo puede pasar.
Unas de las veces ya platicando con él ,que ahora es mi futuro esposo, el tema se trataba de respecto a cuanto tiempo nos gustaría casarnos.  Cada vez que me acuerdo, me da tanta risa por que en esa ocasión Weston dijo que él no se casaría ni en tres meses ni en seis meses pero en un año alomejor sí, después de unos cuantos dias me dijo que ya se quería casar y que si pudiera casarse mañana lo haría, ¿Como son las cosas no? como es que cambia el sentimiento de los corazones tan rapido.

El cuento de hadas aquí continúa: Hace ya un par de meses estábamos planeando com sería su venida a México y todo fue tan mágico, él me dijo que para mi cumpleaños no podría venir por que tenía una salida familiar.  Mi semblante entristeció.  Él todo lo tenía perfectamente calculado dijo que se tendría que ir a una cabaña, él y su mamá y mi mamá planearon todo, mi mamá me dijo que tendríamos que ir al aeropuerto por que unas primas de el estado de Michoacán llegarían, me acuerdo perfectamente era un 11 de octubre estábamos esperando a que ellas llegaran en el aeropuerto y de pronto mi mama me jaló del brazo gritó y oooooo sorpresa él vino wooow él estaba aquí, para mi fue el regalo mas maravilloso que me pudieran dar, fue lo mas bello, lo mas hermoso.  Me acuerdo de esa imagen y la tengo tan grabada- él saliendo con una rosa en mano.

Los dias que pasaron aquí fueron hermosos.  Salimos a muchos lados festejamos mi cumpleaños y llegó el momento especial.  Yo estaba sentada en la manzana del templo de la Cuidad de México y él se puso enfrente de mi y me dijo ¿Estás preparada para el sigueinte paso? Le contesté que sí y él sacó una cajita la puso enfrente de mi, se arrodilló y me preguntó si quería ser su esposa.  No se como describirles ese instante por que yo sentí que fue la expresión mas dulce que he tenido, me sentí tan enamorada, tan ilusionada, tan cerca de Dios y no dejaba de sonreír ni un instante.  Estuve tan infinitivamente feliz.
Pasaron los dias y llego el instante en que él tenía que regresar a su hogar y para mí ese momento fue como si tuviera que arrancarme un pedacito de mi alma y de mi corazón.
Ahora que él ya esta en casa y cada noche platicamos pensamos como será aquel día que nuestras vidas puedan unirse para todo el tiempo y la eternidad, soñamos en tener muchos hijos, en compartir tantas cosas juntos, en ser ese matrimonio que nuestro Dios quiere, este cuento mágico no termina aquí.  Todavía falta muchas experiencias y sé que cuando ya estemos viejecitos podremos decir en vida que tuvieron un final feliz.


 Aaaaaaaaaaaaa y no te olvides que esto CONTINUARÁ..................

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Once Upon A Time...

All fairy tales and fables start this way.  I decided that our story should start the same as it is a dream come true.  This blog serves the purpose of keeping our memories written down for posterity, and for personal purposes.  We invite you to share in our fairy tale.  So let's begin: Our story begins July 2011, in Mexico City, in a small  church congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) called Barrio Oriente.  I played the piano for this ward as they didn't have anyone to play the piano. On one of the first Sundays that I was there our eyes met, briefly; however, we both smiled and blushed and this is where it all started.  I was serving a two year LDS mission for the church and in this time I left my family, school, my job and friends to serve my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  The role of a missionary is to invite others to come unto Him by way of Repentance, Baptism, The Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End.  I had been in Mexico almost a whole year and it was the most amazing experience of my life.  Little did I know that God had other plans for me, and that I would meet my future wife.  The ways that God prepares us from even before we experience things is amazing and an amazing miracle.   For example, when you go to a Ward (congregation) you go to a specified one depending on where you live.  Violeta lived in a different area and so where she went to church wasn't the Ward that she would have normally assisted but she went there because they also had a house in Iztapalapa (part of Mexico City).  This was my last area of the mission, but I didn't know that at the time.  I was in the middle of being in a different area when we got a call from the Mission President telling me that he would like me to change to Oriente to help instruct a new missionary there named Elder Fiedler.  Elder is a title that missionaries carry for the two years of service.  The smiles that were exchanged were innocent but there was a fire or a feeling of something more in them.  But, she knew that I was in the service of God and so she respected me as such.  We both agree now that other ward members and her mom realized that there was something more in those smiles and realized it even before we did.  Every Sunday we ate with a different member of the Ward to get to know them better and leave a message from the scriptures with them.  I heard that Viole's mom, also named Violeta and that is why we call my future spouse Viole, was an amazing cook and so I began to wonder why they had never invited us to eat with them.  After the last meeting I went up to her mom and asked if they would be able to invite us to eat with them when they had time on Sunday.  She invited us and put her name on the list for another time.  When we ate with them that Sunday, they had totally forgotten that we were coming over, and so didn't have much prepared for us but I was amazed to see how fast they could whip up some tacos at the last minute and they were so good!  I was very surprised, however, that while we were waiting to eat they served us Chapulines, or Grasshoppers.  This is a treat for many as you go south of Mexico City into the smaller pueblos and countryside.  It is prepared by frying the grasshoppers alive and then putting lemon juice, salt, and salsa valentina on top.  I didn't know what to do and so it took a lot of courage to eat a spoonful.  My missionary companion was even more nervous about trying them even after I took my first bite, but we finally convinced him to do so and he didn't want any more.  I ate about three spoonfuls; the flavor and texture really weren't all that bad, but it was the thought of what we were eating that made me cringe.  We ate tacos afterwards and made small talk with the family.  I remember that she was wearing jeans and a white shirt when we met her at the house.  We talked about her studies and how she was studying to be a dentist.  I mentioned that I, too, wanted to be a dentist when I was younger but that I had decided to do Nursing instead.  I did notice that the smiles were still there, but I tried to keep focus on what my mission was.  I am not proud to admit that even though I thought she was beautiful, I did not want to pursue a relationship with anyone from my mission because of the difficulty of Marriage and an international marriage.  So I kept her in the back of my mind.  Little, did I know that I wouldn't be there for much longer in this area.  A week or so later I started to get major migraines that lasted for long periods of time; this is a very unusual thing for me because if I get migraines they don't last all day or for continuous periods of time.  I decided to go to the doctor and see what was going on.  He recommended that I go see the neurologist and have them do some tests.  The neurologist thought it could be a number of things and so she prescribed high blood pressure pills, depression medication, and a whole pill container of other medicines to try and see what it could be.  Luckily, the medicine is a lot cheaper in Mexico or it would have been a very expensive diagnosis indeed.  She also prescribed a CAT scan and MRI as well as a couple heart tests.  After the results were in and we met with her, I was beginning to be a little desperate for an answer.  She looked at the tests and said they were conclusive with a disease called Cysticercosis.  This disease involves worms that migrate from the intestines into the brain and muscles and before people realize they have them it is usually too late.  Luckily, she said, It seemed I only had one and that had passed away a while ago.  The danger of having a worm inside the brain is two-fold.  When it dies or multiplies it bursts out of the protective sac leaving a calcification deposit behind and its life ends or it dies and releases other worms.  She immediately gave me anti-seizure medication, as well as medication with chemotherapy properties to make sure that I would not have any problems if it did die and leave other eggs in my brain.  It was quite a scare and I didn't tell my parents for a few weeks because I wanted to make sure before I told them everything.  I got sicker and sicker and it became to the point that I was very sensitive to noises, light, and daily activities.  I stayed in my apartment and my companion switched off working in our area with other companions while one stayed with me.  After a while, the mission doctor told me it would be good to get the treatment needed back in the states and so he was recommending to my mission president that it was time to release me from being a missionary.  The next day was torture as I waited for the mission president to call me and tell me what was going on and if I was leaving, when.  I told my parents that Monday to expect a call from the mission president and a few hours later I was told to pack my stuff up as I would be leaving the next morning back to Utah.  I was sad to leave and sad to miss our dinner date that next Wednesday in celebration of Viole's birthday that they had invited us to, but I had my orders.  I said goodbye to the people I could and left early that next morning back to Utah.  It was an emotional roller coaster but it was good to be back home and seek for the answers I needed about the condition I had been diagnosed with.  I had not had a seizure but I was told to continue all medication until further instruction.  I got home and not even a few days later I had a friend request on Facebook from Viole.  I added her and we talked for a while.  In the upcoming days she told me of her feelings for her and it was hard for me to tell her that I didn't feel the same and I tried to seem disinterested in the conversation.  We kept in and out of contact in the coming months until I told her that I was coming back to Mexico to visit and bringing my mom and she invited us to stay at her place if we would like to.  I told her that would be fine and we would spend the end of the week we would be there at her house with her family. Viole was sad that we didn't keep in contact more often as she felt something for me, but I wasn't ready to get married or be in a relationship and so I didn't think anything more of it.  I got home from Mexico the first time October 18th and went back to Mexico in June.  My mom and I spent a great week visiting and seeing different sights in Mexico and I was reluctant to have to be put in an awkward situation by staying at Viole's house, but we had already made plans and so we went.  The few days we were there were the best days of my life. I really felt something for her and I couldn't explain why, but I was too shy to admit to myself that it could work and to thick-headed to actually act upon my feelings.  My mom and hers pushed us together when they could and let us walk together to get to know one another.  I laughed with her and clicked with her a little more but didn't let myself get too close as I didn't feel it was the right thing.  We took a few pictures and I was reluctant to take pictures but one look at my Mom and I knew that there was no arguing.  How grateful I am that my Mom did just that, later I will explain why.  Some of the moments that we shared were: talking about our likes and dislikes in the garden at Xochimilco, eating with some close friends in Lomas de San Lorenzo with Hermana Cata and with amazing food, Singing in the bus on the way to the metro, Almost getting smashed in the Subway doors as the train was about to head out and laughing so hard we couldn't breathe, having the sewer water come up after it rained and me and my mom both wore sandals and we hopped around trying to avoid sewer-water puddles, and having Viole's mom spill sauce from the Chiles Enogados on herself while in the Metro and me almost telling her about my feelings but being afraid to when we went to get Juice the last morning we were there in Mexico.
As they took us to the airport I felt like time was running out and so did she.  She texted me her feelings in the car on the way to the airport and I told her that we could try being a couple but that I couldn't guarantee anything, but that I was willing to give it a try.  I gave her a huge hug when we got out of the car, and we were off.  I was still unsure about everything as I left Mexico, but was intrigued at the idea of what had just happened and why it had happened that way.  God's hand was at work to prepare two people from different countries, cultures, and ideas- sharing one thing, a growing friendship between the distance.  It would be nice to say that we lived happily ever after, but there is so much more to the story.  The real question is- Where will this fairy tale end up?