He has given me the opportunity to communicate with Him through prayer and also has given me a place to worship Him in a beautiful church. He has given me my body to feel sorrows, joys, pain, love, and many other emotions. He also has promised me He will never leave me alone and will always be with me.
Christ, in the Bible, was said to have left the 99 sheep to find the lost 1 to bring it back to His fold. I promise that if we feel lost, we can be found again. Look to God and even if you don't know how to begin, start by talking to Him about your life, your worries, joys, and He WILL listen. I need to do better at communicating with Him and have made it a goal to find time each day to pray.

Most importantly, He has sent me his beautiful daughter, Violeta, to love and to cherish and to always have for eternity. I cannot wait to marry her in the Temple of God and to have the opportunity to be with her for all eternity as long as we keep our promises we make during marriage. She is my everything and she brings me so much joy. I cannot begin to thank my Heavenly Father for sending me a daughter so loving, pure, holy, and full of His spirit.
At work we started the "giving tree." This is a chance we get to help 3 or families with Christmas this year. We buy the kids presents because the family is in need. I did this last year as well and it was such a special experience. Because I have been Given Much, I Too Must Give (Listen to this link). It is important that we see all of our blessings and we share with those who need to feel the Love of God. Serve others, say a kind word, share your time and talents and you too will see a great reward in your life. I promise you!
We have so much to be thankful for that we need to express thanks to those around us. We can see God's hand in our life daily if we look hard. After a while you will start to notice His hand more and more. I love you God for all you have done for me and for all you have given me. I love you Viole for being my future wife and I can't wait for the day when we can become one through marriage. Te Amo Eternamente!